
  • Virginia VALCARCEL (UAM, Madrid, Spain) – TULIP LabEX visiting scientist
    “The role of polyploidy in the evolution Hedera and Araliaceae”

  • David Caparros-Ruiz (CRAG, Barcelona, Spain)
    “Maize cell wall: it is so hard to be perfect…”
  •  Catharina Merchante (IHSM-UMA-CSIC, Málaga, Spain)
    “Towards understanding the role of ribosome heterogeneity in plants”
  • Richard Sibout (INRAE, Nantes)
    “Brachypodium distachyon as a tool for functional genomics in grasses - Selected studies”
  • Alexandre Martinière (IPSiM, Montpellier)
    “Rho of plant (ROP) nanodomain and plant membrane organization during cell signaling processes”
  • Nicolas Salamin (Université de Lausane) - TULIP EUR-GS international guided tour
    “Evolutionary modelling and large-scale data to understand species and traits diversification”
  • Karl Hoffmann (Aberystwyth University) - TULIP EUR-GS international guided tour
    “Using functional genomics to support chistosome drug discovery”
  • Ming-Jun Liu (Academia Sinica, Taiwan) - TULIP EUR-GS international guided tour
    “Unveiling the Hidden: Exploring Translating Genes in Plants and Plant Viruses”
  • Mohamed-ali Hakimi (IAB, Université Grenoble Alpes) 
    “Toxoplasma gondii, a Paradigmatic Model to Study the Epigenetic Code Governing Parasite Development Across Different Hosts”
  • Julien Pirrello (GBF, LRSV, Castanet Tolosan)
    “Transition to ripening in tomato: when auxin gives way to ethylene”
  • Federico Ariel (UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina)
    “Plant long noncoding RNAs: from molecular mechanisms to agricultural advancements”
  • Vangeli Geshkovski (Christel Carles lab, LPCV, Grenoble)
    “ULTRAPETALA1, a plant specific chromatin switch”
  • Pr. Dr. Claus Jacob (Saarland University, Saarbrücken, Germany)
    “The chalcogen challenge: A tale of reactive sulfur species, bacteria and shampoos”
  • Leandro Quadrana (IPS2, Paris-Saclay)
    “The contribution of transposable elements and their epigenetic silencing to plant diversity”
  • Frédéric Moynier (université Paris Sorbonne)
    “Utilisation des isotopes stables des métaux : de l'étude de l'origine des éléments aux applications médicales”
  • Pierre-Marc Delaux (LRSV, INRAE, Castanet Tolosan)
    “Evolution of plant - microbe interactions”
  • Olivia DEROBERT et Lucas FARRÉ (Service Partenariat et Valorisation CNRS/UPVD) 
    “Programme 2023 ERC/MSCA”
  • Anne SIBRAN (writer)
  • Delphine Giraud (INRAE station San Giuliano)
    Transposable elements and endogenous viral elements in citruses: evolutionary dynamics, functional consequences and possible role in interfertility”
  • Javier Gallego-Bartolomé (IBMCP, València, Spain)
    The MINU-associated SWI/SNF complex is involved in nucleosome positioning and transcription start site selection in Arabidopsis”
  • Keith Slotkin (The Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, Saint Louis, USA)
    “TE-based CRISPR knockin”
  • Jérôme Cavaillé (Center for Integrative Biology, Toulouse)
    Box C/D small RNA-guided post-transcriptional modification of cellular RNAs”
  • Laura Martins (Law laboratory, SALK Institute, San Diego, CA)
    Investigating the roles of the CLASSY family in controlling DNA methylation patterns in Arabidopsis thaliana”
  • Vincent Colot (IBENS, Paris)
    Microevolutionary implications of transposable element-mediated variation in plants”
  • Fredy Barneche (IBENS, Paris)
    “New cards for old players: linker histones differentially impact the Polycomb chromatin landscape at genes and telomeric repeats”
  • Philipp Schlüte (University of Hohenheim, Germany)
    Pollination, genes and speciation: Pollinator-driven evolution in European orchids”
  • Mathilde GRELON (IJPB, INRAE Centre IdF, Versailles-Saclay)
    "Chromosome dynamics during Arabidopsis thaliana meiosis: The importance of chromosome motions"
  • Hidetoshi Saze (OIST, Japan) - TULIP LabEx Prestige seminar
    “Epigenetic regulation of intragenic transposons and gene transcription in plant genomes”
  • Frederic EGHIAIAN (PhD, représentant Abberior)
    Repousser les limites de la résolution optique avec la microscopie super-résolutive: présentation de la technologie Stedycon”
  • Jeremy Berthelier (Saze laboratory, OIST, Japan)
    "Epigenetically regulated chimeric TE-gene transcripts affect stress responses in Arabidopsis thaliana"
  • Andreas Niebel (LIPME,CNRS INRAE Castanet Tolosan)
    NF-YA1, a pioneer transcription Factor controlling Nodule development in Medicago?”
  • Phillip Mullineaux (University of Essex, Colchester, England)
    “Novel H2O2 signal transduction in plant cells:  Spatial dependency at the subcellular level”
  • Susan Wessler (UC Riverside, USA) - LGDP seminar series - virtual
    “Transposable element-mediated Structural Variation: from McClintock to Pangenomes”
  • Jose Luis (UNAM, Mexico)
    “The m6A modification in mRNA regulates key developmental transitions in the moss Physcomitrium patens.”
  • Carlos Fernandez-Tornero (CSIC, Madrid, Spain)
    “Regulation of ribosomal RNA synthesis: how structural biology illuminates RNA polymerase I function”
  • Gabriel Krouk (BPMP, Montpellier)
    “Machine Learning in plant biology from gene regulatory networks, to microscopy enhancement by deep learning and to a new kind of GWAS”
  • Michael D. Purugganan, New York University - LGDP seminar series – virtual
    “The geographic dispersal of rice and date palms”
  • Dimitris Petroutsos (LPCV, Grenoble)
    “Integrated view of light and metabolic signalling in algae”
  •  Enrico COEN (JIC, Norwich, UK) - LGDP seminar series – virtual
    “Genetic Pioneers: The Evolution and Development of Species Diversity”
  • Steve Jacobsen (UCLA, HHMI, Los Angeles, USA) - TULIP LabEx Prestige seminar
    “Mechanisms and applications of DNA methylation and gene silencing in plants”
  • Francisca Blanco (UNAB, Santiago, Chile)
    “Plant immune responses against bacteria and aphids”
  • Tom Laloum (Duque laboratory, Lisboa, Portugal)
    “Regulation of ABA-mediated stress responses by two arabidopsis SR proteins”
  • Martin Groth (Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany)
    “Silence at night? How diurnal changes in plant folate metabolism affect DNA and histone methylation”
  • Jérémy Scutenaire (SERAPHIN laboratory, IGBMC, Illkirch)
    “The S. cerevisiae m6A reader impacts meiotic recombination by controlling key methylated transcript”
  • Guillaume Née (University of Münster, Germany)
  • Laurence Lejay-Lefebvre (IPSiM, Montpellier)
    “Response of nitrogen nutrition to challenging environment in Arabidopsis”
  • Pao-Yang Chen (Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan)
    “Epigenome Bioinformatics in Rice and Plants”
  • Matthias Benoit (LIPME, INRAE, Castanet Tolosan)
    “Epigenetic regulation of nodule development”
  • Olivia DEROBERT (Ingénieure de projets européens, CNRS) 
    “Présentation de Horizon Europe et du dispositifs d’accompagnement du CNRS”
  • Johannes Stuttmann (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany)
    “Cross-species analysis of plant immune signaling pathways, and genome engineering”
  • Rita A. Batista (Castric laboratory, University of Lille)
    “Epigenetic regulation of plant reproduction: from seeds to flowers”
  • Pr. Leónie Bentsink (Wageningen University, Netherlands)
    “Seed germination, the role of translational regulation”
  • Caroline Dean (The John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK) - TULIP LabEx Prestige seminar virtual
    “Epigenetic basis of seasonal timing”
  • Marc Krasovec (BIOM, Banyuls-sur-mer)
    “Evolution of the spontaneous mutation rate in phytoplankton”
  • David Baulcombe (University of Cambridge, UK) - TULIP LabEx Prestige seminar
  • Dawid Bielewicz (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland)
    “HYL1: a new player in gene regulation at the transcriptional level”
  • Barbara HUFNAGEL (CIRAD, Montpellier-Guadeloupe)
    “(Pan)Genome of white lupin provide insights to soil exploration and species diversity and domestication”
  • Jean-Luc Gallois (INRA Avignon, Unité GAFL)
    “eIF4E-based resistance to potyviruses: from natural variation to edited genes.”
  • Cristine Carapito (IPHC, Strasbourg)
    “Quantitative proteomics achievements and possibilities”
  • Florian Veillet (IGEPP INRAE, Ploudaniel)
    “Genome editing in plants: from functional genomics to plant breeding”
  • Laurent NUSSAUME (CEA, Cadarache)
    “Pi homeostasis: from surprise to surprise revealed by cellular and sub-cellular live imaging systems”
  • Matthias Benoit (Lippman laboratory, CSHL, USA) - virtual
    “Contribution of Transposons to Structural Variation and Phenotypic Diversity in Tomato”
  • Alexandre DAVID (IGF, Montpellier)
    “RNA epigenetic steers colorectal cancer cell fate”
  • Philippe Gallusci (INRA-EGFV, Bordeaux)
    “DNA methylation in fleshy fruit species: a focus on Tomato and Grape”
  • Gergely Molnar (BOKU, Vienna, Austria)
    “freak show: does auxin help us understand a mechanism of CG methylation in Arabidopsis?”
  • Surinder Chopra (Pennsylvania State University)
    “The Unstable factor for orange1 mutation alters epigenetic regulation and alternate splicing in maize genome”
  • François Parcy (LPCV, Grenoble)
    “On the shoulders of LEAFY: function and evolution of a floral architect”
  • Angelique Deleris (IBENS, Paris)
    “Interplay between DNA methylation and PcG in the epigenetic control of plant transposons”
  • Julia Morales (Sorbonne Université, Roscoff)
    “Translational control after fertilization in sea urchin”
  • Chafik Samir (University of Clermont, Clermont-Ferrand)
    “Statistical Analysis of Spatio-temporal Shapes: Learning Distributions from Sub-populations”
  • Julie Law (Salk Institute, USA)
    “Locus- and tissue-specific control of DNA methylation in Arabidopsis thaliana”
  • Benjamin Péret (BPMP, Montpellier)
    “Unravelling cluster root development in white lupin”
  • Marion Clavel (YASIN DAGDAS laboratory, GMI Vienna, Austria)
    “Defense and counter-defense during viral infection: a tug of war in the vasculature”
  • Nicolas BOLOGNA (CRAG, Barcelona, Spain)
    “Nucleo-cytosolic shuttling of ARGONAUTE proteins”
  •  Fabienne Moreau (societe ADNid)
    “Metabarcoding et extraction des ADN traces et dégradés, des outils au service de vos recherches présentés par la société ADNid”
  • Ola Aleksandra Sulkowska (Warsaw University, Poland)
    “Characterization of NMD mechanism in Arabidopsis thaliana – identification of new factors, analysis of interaction and functional role of NMD”
  • Jean Molinier (IBMP, Strasbourg)
    “Characterization of NMD mechanism in Arabidopsis thaliana – identification of new factors, analysis of interaction and functional role of NMD’
  • Bruno Charpentier (IMoPA, Nancy)
    “The snoRNP assembly machinery and potential functional interconnections”
  • Mathieu Ingouff (IRD, Montpellier)
    “Real-time DNA methylation dynamics in Arabidopsis thaliana”
  • Laurent Deslandes (LIPME, Toulouse)
    “Sensing of pathogen interference at the chromatin level”
  • Heribert HIRT (IPS2, Paris / KAUST, Saudi Arabia)
    “From Signaling to chromatin: Identification of chromatin-associated substrates in plant innate immunity”
  • Craig Pikaard (Indiana University, USA)
    “Mechanisms of selective gene silencing”
  • Claudius Marondedze
    “Arabidopsis thaliana mRNA interactome: In vivo determination and stress response”
  • Brian GREGORY (University of Pennsylvania, USA)
    “Global analysis of co-translational RNA decay in plants”
  • Zoe Joly Lopez (Michael D. Purugganan laboratory at New York University)
    “Developing Genome-wide Fitness Consequence Maps for Plants”
  • Jean-François Collet (WELBIO/ Duve Institute Brussels)
    “How bacteria deal with stress: the tale of two proteins”
  • Dariusz GREBELUS (University of Agriculture in Krakow)
    “Carrot Genome and History of Domestication”
  • Amir Yassin (Institut de Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité UMR7205)
    “Detection of ecologically-relevant genes from genomic data”
  • Stefan Grob and Pauline E. JULLIEN
    “The KNOT - connecting foreign DNA recognition and 3D genome architecture”
  • “Cell-specific functional characterization of Arabidopsis argonaute 3”
    Fabrice Roux and Christophe Dunand (LIPME and LRSV, Toulouse)
  • “The genetics of plant – microbe interactions in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana: from crop strains to microbiota in natural settings”
    “Cell wall adaptation to sub-optimal growth conditions in Arabidopsis natural populations”
  • Thomas GRENTZINGER (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
    “A unified biochemical aproach for transkingdom characterization of RISC loaded, and non-loaded reserve smallRNAs.”
  • Pr Yuri MOTORIN (University of Lorraine)
    “Profiling epitranscriptomic RNA modifications using Next-Generation Sequencing”
  • Steven H. Spoel (University of Edinburgh, UK)
    “Selective signalling by reversible oxidative protein modifications”
  • Lionel Verdoucq (BPMP, Montpellier)
    “Aquaporins facilitate hydrogen peroxide entry into guard cells to mediate ABA- and pathogen-triggered stomatal closure.”
  • Claude Becker (GMI, Vienna, Austria)
    “Ways to reconfigure the epigenome and enhance epigenetic memory”
  • Jiri Fajkus (CEITEC, Brno Czech Republic)
    “Plant telomere evolution: variety of products, universality of the mechanism”
  • Philippe GIEGE (IBMP, Strasbourg)
    “Exploring the mode of action, diversity and evolution of protein-only RNase P”
Mise à jour le 14 février 2025